11 Movie Damsels Who Are Definitely Not in Distress
Uma Thurman in Kill Bill: Volume 1, Miramax Credit: Miramax

Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor in The Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1984)

Sarah Connor in The Terminator 2: Judgment Day

One could argue that Sarah Connor is a damsel in distress in the first Terminator movie, but by Terminator 2, she’s become a tough and fearless warrior. She makes a dramatic escape from Pescadero State Hospital, where she was imprisoned for trying to prevent the events of Judgment Day — which involves her epically beating up a bunch of security guards.

She’s a total badass in Judgment Day, going to great lengths to protect her son. In the iconic showdown battle scene, she shoots the evil T-1000 (Robert Patrick) multiple times, disabling him enough to be finished off by Arnold Schwarzenegger’s T-800. And she goes on to fight many more epic battles in the other Terminator movies that followed.

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