Johnny Depp’s Revealing Text About the Famous Poop Debacle

At the 2022 trial, another big viral moment arrived when Depp accused Heard of defecating on his side of the bed as a sick prank. Amber argued that it was their dog, Boo, who had had bowel issues ever since she accidentally ingested some of Depp’s marijuana. Depp insisted that the defecation was too big to be from a teacup Yorkie like Boo.
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But texts revealed in the 2020 UK trial show that Depp had actually been the one who tried to prank Heard with human feces.
“Will you squat in front of the door to the master bedroom and leave a giant coil of dookie so that Amber steps in it and thinks that it’s one of the dogs, primarily Boo has a major problem. It’ll be funny,” Depp said in a text submitted as court evidence in 2020.
A text that Heard sent to a different person also confirm Boo’s incontinence issues.
“Okay, sounds good re Boo, but I’m worried it’s not behavioral. I’m worried she’s got brain damage. She can’t seem to predict or control where she uses the bathroom. Last night she s— on Johnny while he was sleeping, like all over him, not exaggerating and I hate to keep punishing her when she seems not to be able to remember,” Heard wrote in the text also submitted as evidence in the 2020 UK trial.