Johnny Depp Used the Word ‘Mega Pint’ Before Ben Rottenborn

Johnny Depp reacting to the phrase “mega pint”

Heard’s attorney Ben Rottenborn went viral for a phrase used while he was questioning Depp on the witness stand about a cell phone video that Heard had taken of Depp slamming cabinet doors in their kitchen and pouring himself a large glass of wine.

Rottenborn asked Depp if he had poured himself a “mega pint” of wine. Depp looked amused at that word and replied, “A mega pint?” sparking a meme that would slingshot around the internet.

The whole exchange made Rottenborn look like he’d made up a funny word to exaggerate Depp’s drinking. But the docuseries showed a transcript from Depp’s 2020 UK defamation trial that revealed that the Pirates of the Caribbean actor used the phrase “mega pint” before Rottenborn.

The 2020 UK trial transcript reads as follows, with Q representing the question asked to Depp and A representing Depp’s answer.

Q: “We saw you pour a sort of —”

A: “Mega pint.”

Q: ” — mega pint of red wine, which is not everybody’s choice for breakfast, is it?

A: “No.”

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