Patty Jenkins Wonder Woman
Patty Jenkins and Gal Gadot on the set of the original Wonder Woman.

Catherine Hardwicke

Hardwicke’s first film was Thirteen, an independent film about the turbulent years in the life of a 14-year-old. On a budget of $2 million, it grossed over $10 million, and led to her follow-up Lords of Dogtown, which chronicled youth skateboarding culture on a much bigger budget but was less successful. From there, Hardwicke brought her independent sensibilities and sensitivity to trials and tribulations to a series of studio projects: The Nativity Story, Twilight and Little Red Riding Hood. With The Nativity Story, Hardwicke restructured the classic Biblical story around Mary as a young, bewildered girl who is struggling with the immensity of this task. Hardwicke then signed on to direct Twilight, a sure-fire success based on the popular young adult novel. Twilight again covered much of the same teenage angst as her early feature, albeit under the guise of a big-budget, mainstream feature.

Catherine Hardwicke on the set of Twilight. Photograph by Deana Newcomb, courtesy of Summit Entertainment

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