
Hammerhead, one of the coolest minor Star Wars characters. 20th Century Fox

One of the few even more minor Star Wars characters than Walrus Man, Hammerhead was one of our favorite action figures in the 1970s. We didn’t know anything about him except that he had a hammerhead, and that was cool. The fact that someone like him existed told us all we needed to know about the endless mystery and possibility of this galaxy far, far away.

Of course Star Wars tried to go and ruin it by giving him a name, Momaw Nadon, and a backstory. A fan site explains that in 1989’s Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope, a Star Wars Legends sourcebook, whatever that is, revealed that he had been exiled from his home world for revealing agricultural secrets to the Empire in order to save his planet of hammerhead beings. He was also a sensitive soul who maintained a secret garden and sympathized with the Rebellion.

Hey: Not every character needs a backstory! Some, like Hammerhead, were perfect from the start.

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