Tey How

Tey How, one of the most memed minor Star Wars characters. 20th Century Fox

Tey How is known for one line: “They’ve gone up the ventilation shaft!”

Tey How spoke that line in Star Wars: Episode One — The Phantom Menace, resulting in a flood of memes highlighting the laziness of the ventilation shaft trope, the dodgy delivery, and Tey How’s general purposelessness.

But devout Star Wars sleuths at some point released that Tey How — who is not named in the film but is in the credits — had a backstory, revealed in a Phantom Menace novelization written by Terry Brooks and released a month before the film arrived in theaters.

Aside from the “ventilation shaft” line, Tey How’s very modest claims to minor Star Wars characters fame include working for the Trade Federation, activating a droid army, and getting killed, along with many others onboard the Battleship Vuutun Palaa, by young Anakin Skywalker.

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