Gunnery Captain Bolvan

Bolvan, left, one of the stupidest of minor Star Wars characters. 20th Century Fox.

When C-3PO and R2-D2, courier of the secret plans to blow up the Death Star, flee in an escape pod early in Star Wars: A New Hope, Bolvan very stupidly orders a gunnery officer fellow Imperial not to shoot their pod.

“Hold your fire. There’s no life forms. It must have short-circuited,” he stupidly says.

His poor judgment allows R2-D2 to get the plans to Obi-Wan Kenobi, who ultimately gets them to the Rebels, who use them to — you guessed it — blow up the Death Star.

One could make the case that his stupidity — and the resulting catastrophe for the Empire — makes Bolvan one of the most important Star Wars characters, not one of the most minor Star Wars characters. But nah.

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