Break out the holy water, because we’ve got an exorcism on our hands.
From Mickey Reece, director of Climate of the Hunter, comes the new film Agnes — the story of a young nun named Sister Agnes who shows signs of a possible demonic possession. As the nun’s behavior gets stranger and stranger, the church sends in a priest and his young mentee to help. But initial attempts to exorcise whatever is haunting Sister Agnes backfire, and they’re soon convinced that the entity is much more sinister than they thought.
The film stars Molly Quinn alongside Jake Horowitz, Sean Gunn (Gilmore Girls), Hayley McFarland, Chris Browning, Ben Hall, Mary Buss, and Chris Sullivan.
MovieMaker has the exclusive teaser for Agnes, which is set to premiere next month at the Tribeca Film Festival. You can watch the teaser above.
We spoke with Reece back in September about dealing with rejection, or lack thereof — his DIY approach has meant very little obstruction from gatekeepers.
He’s has made over 34 films in his career, but this wasn’t always his career path. He was a musician in his 20s before he decided to try moviemaking. At first, he made three films a year, later scaling it down to two as he spent more time on each production. His approach was to treat filmmaking as a hangout with friends. He often acted as well as writing, directing, and holding the camera.
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Family responsibilities kept him in Oklahoma City, so he never considered a move to Los Angeles or New York. Instead, he relies on a loyal, talented cadre of actors who gather together to make movies on a shoestring. They first showed their movies at music venues, then at the Oklahoma Contemporary.
Over time, his films have gradually earned attention and investors — and though the budgets have increased and production values are rising, Reece continues to rely on many of the same friends.
His approach is paying off now with attention from festivals like Fantasia Fest, where Climate of the Hunter played last year, and Fantastic Fest, where his short documentary Belle Île played shortly after.
Agnes is produced by Qwgmire, former Bachelor producer Elan Gale’s production company.