TAC Festival is a juried international competition in the heritage film genre incorporating archaeology and related disciplines, indigenous peoples and the world around us. It is the only festival of its type in the Western Hemisphere, counterpart to the European archaeological film festivals. Our 501(c)(3) non-profit, Archaeological Legacy Institute, produces TAC Festival annually as part of its mission to share the human cultural legacy with all people everywhere.
Archaeological Legacy Institute produced the first TAC Festival in 2003 to celebrate the wonders of the human past-our diverse populations, cultures and environments. The event has since grown in size and significance. For 2007 we received 86 film entries from 23 countries, and will show the 21 top-rated films on the big screen. Since its inception, TAC Festival has become increasingly popular locally and in the Pacific Northwest, delighting audiences with some of the world’s best documentary films. Audience and Jury awards are given. All film entries are available for individual viewing at the festival’s Video Bar. Each TAC Festival features a guest appearance and Keynote Address by a prominant spokesperson from the fields of science and culture. Festival page at: http://www.archaeologychannel.org/content/TACfestival.shtml.