5. Be a Leader

Know your vision before you get on set. Come prepared. You have limited time and resources so it’s on you to keep the project moving forward. Deliberating what you want while your cast & crew waits to roll is not going to do you any favors when it comes to making your day. This does not mean you cannot be a collaborative creator – but it does mean you need to be able to make decisions. You need to see your project so clearly that everyone around can see it too and from there you can all create together. It’s on you to keep your cast and crew excited [re: see above – respect, teamwork, food]. When time is short and things are stressful, it is on you to be the person to refocus, re-energize, and re-inspire everyone on your set. Be the positive force that reminds everyone around why they want to make movies.

A scene from The Campus

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