The Irishman (2019)

Sometimes the decades of de-aging for Robert De Niro, Al Pacino and Joe Pesci in The Irishman look amazing. Sometimes not. A critic wrote of the shot above, in which 70-something De Niro is supposed to be in his mid-thirties:

“The CGI is good, but something’s still off. De Niro’s face looks waxen, corpselike — even though the skin seems warm, taut, smooth. We see the features of youth, yet still some senescence shows through. It’s like bad Botox.”

Such sequences felt especially frustrating when people starting using deepfake technology to do over Irishman scenes on the cheap — and they sometimes looked better than the ones in the movie.

Anyway, we still love The Irishman. Here’s how old everyone is supposed to be in all those de-aged scenes.

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