Kai McGillvary Spent 6 Years in Prison Before His 2019 Trial

Caleb “Kai” McGillvary plays guitar in a still from Netflix’s The Hatchet Wielding Hitchhiker courtesy of Netflix

Just three months after going viral, McGillvary was arrested on May 16, 2013 as a suspect in the murder of 74-year-old lawyer Joseph Galfy, Jr. But it would be six years before he actually went to trial. In a 2016 interview with Vocativ, McGillvary explained that he had developed a daily exercise and meditation practice in prison, studied religion, and written poetry and music.

“I started opening up my psyche to different possibilities of existence and stuff, and meditating on different ways I could perceive the world,” he told Vocativ. “I found in changing my perceptions I was actually able to kind of overcome some of the stressors of jail, if you will.”

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