Tenet Tenet Release Dates hotly anticipated movies Wonder Woman 1984 The French Dispatch

As much of the world shelters in place, lovers of cinema anxiously await the day when they can flock back to a theater. Like all things, film release dates have been greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, despite the uncertainty surrounding the re-opening of movie theaters, many of the most hotly anticipated movies of 2020 remain on track to premiere in the coming months. Cinephiles, allow this list of seven films set to release by the end of the year to ease your current woes. From Tenet, to Wonder Woman 1984, to The French Dispatch, blockbuster season may yet still be upon us.


The release of a Christopher Nolan film always carries the promise of great fanfare and box office millions. Tenet, Nolan’s follow up to 2017’s war opus Dunkirk — which garnered Academy Award nominations for Best Picture and Best Director — is scheduled for release on July 17. Though it might seem ambitious to expect cinemas to reopen by mid-July, Nolan has maintained his desire for a summer release. Variety notes that Imax CEO Richard Gelfond has said, “Chris really would like to be coming out with the film that opens theaters.” Regardless of potential delays, Tenet provides movie lovers with a blockbuster experience to look forward to. If Nolan gets his way (and he often does) the genre-bending sci-fi, spy thriller starring Robert Pattinson and John David Washington, will stick to its July release date.

Tenet Tenet Release Date Wonder Woman

Continue for more of Moviemaker’s hotly anticipated movies sticking to their 2020 release dates

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