August 1992-1993: Connecticut police and prosecutors investigated the abuse claims against Allen. Vanity Fair said Dylan Farrow was prepared at the time to take the stand and testify against Allen.
Nov. 22, 1992: Allen gave his side on “60 Minutes,” saying in the interview:
“A gigantic industry has been built on a total non-event, and when I say total non-event, I mean total non-event. It wasn’t — it wasn’t as if, you know, I tickled my daughter or something and much has been exaggerated. I’m saying nothing at all … I’m 57. Isn’t it illogical that I’m going to, at the height of a very bitter, acrimonious custody fight, drive up to Connecticut where nobody likes me in a house — I’m in a house full of enemies. I mean, Mia was so enraged at me and she had gotten all the kids to be angry at me, that I’m going to drive up there, and suddenly, on visitation, pick this moment in my life to become a child molester?”
May 1993: During the custody fight, a doctor who led the investigation and interviewed Dylan Farrow nine times said he had doubts about her accusations. Dr. John M. Leventhal said she has changed key details, like whether Allen touched her vagina, and said her accounts had a “rehearsed quality.”
“We had two hypotheses: one, that these were statements that were made by an emotionally disturbed child and then became fixed in her mind,” says Leventhal, according to the New York Times. “And the other hypothesis was that she was coached or influenced by her mother. We did not come to a firm conclusion. We think that it was probably a combination.”
June 1993: A Manhattan judge ruled that Mia Farrow should receive custody of the children, and said he was not convinced “that the evidence proves conclusively that there was no sexual abuse.” The judge also said psychotherapists who interviewed Dylan Farrow had their judgement “colored by their loyalty to Mr. Allen,” according to the Times.
The judge also said Allen’s relationship with Previn was bad for her and her adoptive siblings: “Having isolated Soon-Yi from her family, he left her with no visible support system,” Justice Elliott Wilk said of Allen.
September 1993: Connecticut state’s attorney Frank S. Maco announced that while he found “probable cause” to prosecute Allen, he was dropping the case because Dylan was too “fragile” to deal with a trial. Mia Farrow agreed with the decision, he said.
Maco told People that Dylan was “traumatized to the extent that I did not have a confident witness to testify in any court setting, whether that’s a closed courtroom or an open courtroom.”
Allen later called Maco “cowardly, dishonest and irresponsible” for saying he had “probable cause” without releasing his evidence.
Dec. 24, 1997: Allen and Previn married. (They remain together today.)
Feb. 1, 2014: Dylan Farrow spoke out on the blog of New York Times’ columnist Nicholas Kristof. (It is excerpted above.) The account was strikingly consistent with the one in Vanity Fair more than two decades earlier, including the details about the attic-like space and the promise of a trip to Paris.
Meanwhile, Maco, the now-retired prosecutor, told The Associated Press that the statute of limitations to bring any charges had run out.
Feb. 5, 2014: Moses Farrow, who was adopted by Allen and Farrow, says that his other coached Dylan Farrow when she was a child: “My mother drummed it into me to hate my father for tearing apart the family and sexually molesting my sister,” Moses, then 36, told People. “And I hated him for her for years. I see now that this was a vengeful way to pay him back for falling in love with Soon-Yi.”
He adds: “I don t know if my sister really believes she was molested or is trying to please her mother. Pleasing my mother was very powerful motivation because to be on her wrong side was horrible.”
Feb. 7, 2014: Allen again denied the accusations, saying the “attic” account was clearly drawn from the 1970 Dory Previn song “With My Daddy in the Attic,” the lyrics of which appear to be about incest.
He noted that Mia Farrow was likely familiar with Dory Previn’s work: “It was on the same record as the song Dory Previn had written about Mia’s betraying their friendship by insidiously stealing her husband, André, ‘Beware of Young Girls,’” he wrote.
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