It was named one of TIME Magazine’s 100 Best Novels of All-Time and won the Hugo Award for its achievement in Science Fiction. Now, Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’ graphic novel, Watchmen, is one of the most anticipated movies of 2009. Since Warner Bros. will tease audiences at this year’s Comic-Con International, held July 24 – 27, MM thought it’d be fun to tease all of you who can’t get out to San Diego this weekend. Here, another sneak peek at Zack Snyder’s latest graphic novel adaptation.

Jackie Earle Haley as Rorschach
As Rorschach, Jackie Earle Haley isn’t helping to rid audiences of the goosebumps he generated with his Oscar-nominated performance in Little Children. This masked crusader is on a mission to uncover the truth after the lives of his former comrades are destroyed.
Jeffrey Dean Morgan as The Comedian
Though his name might inspire thoughts of laughter, this Comedian is hardly ever joking. Jeffrey Dean Morgan plays the caped crusader—a rough-and-tumble government tool who chose to submit himself to the law instead of revealing his true identity. Some say The Comedian‘s a hardened misogynist, which would be a big change for Morgan whose most previous roles in P.S. I Love You and The Accidental Husband caught him smiling for reasons other than murder.

Patrick Wilson as NiteOwl
He’s been on Broadway, nominated for an Emmy for his work in Angels in America, belted his heart out in The Phantom of the Opera and in 2009 Patrick Wilson will take on yet another uninhibited role as the second Nite Owl. Motivated by the original Nite Owl and his band of Minutemen—ordinary citizens who were inspired by comic creations to patrol the city streets dressed in masks and form-fitting clothing—Wilson’s Owl joins the city’s masked adventurers during the Cold War.
image If this photo is any indication of how closely Snyder has stuck to the original novel, then fans should be quite pleased come March. Here, the original Minutemen gather together for a memorable group photo. From left to right this group of masked crusaders includes: Silhouette, Mothman, Dollar Bill, the original Nite Owl, Captain Metropolis, the original Silk Spectre, Hooded Justice and (kneeling) The Comedian.

Matthew Goode as Ozymandias
He may play the smartest man in the world but Matthew Goode has yet to become a popular face on this side of the Atlantic. The British actor, who can be seen this week in the limited release feature Brideshead Revisited, is certain to make a splash when he emerges next year as Ozymandias, the avenger of organized crime.

Malin Akerman as Silk Spectre
You’ve seen her as Ben Stiller’s love interest in The Heartbreak Kid and Katherine Heigl’s sister in 27 Dresses and now, sporting a darker ‘do Malin Akerman is the second Silk Spectre—a role handed down by her mother (played by Carla Gugino), one of the original Minutemen.
Billy Crudup as Dr. ManhattanPlayed by Billy Crudup, Dr. Manhattan is the larger-than-life scientist-turned-superhuman under the employ of the government, aiding them in the fight against the terrible Reds. Often compared to God, Dr. Manhattan is the only one of his kind among the ordinary avengers that make up the Watchmen.