Credit: C/O

New to set? StudioBinder has broken down the lingo so that the next time someone tells you to “86 that c-stand,” you won’t be scratching your head at the confusing walkie-talkie jargon.

First things first: Check your call sheet for radio signals. Channel one is for quick production communication. If you’ve got more to say, jump to Channel two for one-on-one talks. On most sets, three is for transportation, four is open, five is for props, six is camera, seven is electric, and eight is for grips. Once you’re on the correct channel, say “walkie check,” and listen for “good check” to ensure you’re in the clear.

Now that you’re tuned in, here’s a lingo breakdown:

  1. 10-4 or Copy: Use these to confirm transmissions
  2. 10-1: Use this when you need a short break
  3. 86: Get rid of something
  4. “What’s your 20?” | Translation: “What’s your location?”
  5. “Lock it up” | Translation: Get the pedestrians off set.
  6. “Bogies” | Translation: Unwanted people on set
  7. “Four bangers” | Translation: large trailers
  8. “Stand by” | Translation: I can’t reply right now.
  9. You don’t bring something to set, you fly it in
  10. See something on set? You’ve got “eyes” on it
  11. You “strike” things that are no longer needed on set (and “kill” lights)

After you watched the video, let us know if there’s any walkie-talkie lingo we missed. What are some of your favorites? For more videos like this, check out the StudioBinder blog.

Video courtesy of StudioBinder.

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