JVC Professional Products has announced that independent horror film Wake the Witch’s principal photography was completed on the company’s shoulder-mount GY-HD250U camcorder.

Unfiltered Entertainment, Inc.’s Wake the Witch is a direct-to-DVD feature-length release inspired by Japanese horror films. The low-budget film, written and directed by Dorothy Booraem, was shot on location in Lincoln, Nebraska’s Wilderness Park.

The film’s producer, cinematographer and lead editor, Chad Haufschild, calls the GY-HD250U “fantastic… going handheld was easier compared to smaller cameras.” Haufschild notes that the lens he used, the standard 16:1 Fujinon zoom lens that comes with the camera “[is] the perfect lens for this kind of project. It gave us the depth of field we needed to pull off the composition we wanted—and helped keep the pace of the shoot fast.”

Wake the Witch will be available for purchase this month through Amazon.com and FilmBaby.com.