“The cell phone that puts you in control” is offering you the chance to contribute to an important part of the Oscar experience: The commercials. Tracfone, the largest prepaid cell phone company in the U.S. with over 10 million users, is teaming with Contest Factory to create an ad competition that allows its customers to choose which TracFone commercial should be aired during the Academy Awards on February 24.
The contest, aptly titled “Which Ad Would You Run During the Academy Awards?,” draws on their “Yourfone” ad campaign that compares using TracFone’s service to being the CEO of your own company. The seven potential Oscar ads feature normal people in charge of their cell phone lives. Customers vote online and, pending the results of the contest, Tracfone will decide which commercial to air this coming Sunday.
The Oscars have the second-best (and second most expensive) commercials of any televised event. Maybe the People’s Choice-esque appeal of the TracFone contest will give the Oscars that extra boost to overtake the Super Bowl in advertising entertainment—especially considering the lackluster performance of the usual victor this year.
Cast your vote at http://www.tracfone-academyawards.com/.