1: Star Wars

20th Century Fox

The 20th Century Fox film, which eventually became known as Star Wars: Episode IV — a New Hope, was the top film of 1977 with a domestic gross of $307 million. (Adjusted for inflation, that’s $1.3 billion.)

George Lucas’ story of Luke Skywalker’s quest to rescue Princess Leia from the Death Star — and her quest to lead the Rebellion to use some secret plans to blow up said Death Star — launched the second-most successful franchise in film history. Star Wars films have made more than $5 billion, trailing only the $11.8 billion for the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The incredible box office receipts of A New Hope (we still just call it Star Wars) helped open studios’ eyes to new ways of making money — not just through films, but endless merchandising in the form of action figures, remote-controlled R2D2s, and lightsabers.

It changed the kinds of movies that got greenlit, and signaled that ’70s audiences — who had grown accustomed to downbeat endings — were ready for optimism. Movies would never be the same.

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