Apparently action stars wielding large guns have some staying power—either that or director Sylvester Stallone has tapped into our nation’s heretofore unmet longing for more Dolph Lundgren films. Whichever reason, The Expendables stayed on top of the box office for the second weekend in a row. Its weekend gross was $16.5 million; total gross $64.8 million. Twilight parody (that didn’t take long, did it?) Vampires Suck came in at number two in its first weekend, earning $12.2 million. Eat Pray Love earned spot three (weekend gross $12 million, total gross $47.1 million), new release Lottery Ticket grabbed number four ($11.1 million) and The Other Guys came in at five (weekend gross $10.1 million, total gross $88.1 million).

Basically what this all means is that Piranha 3D didn’t come in at number one, blowing the other films out of the water and having an Avatar-like opening weekend. Oh well, that would’ve happened in a just universe. Instead, it came in at number six, earning $10 million. Other new releases were Nanny McPhee Returns ($8.3 million), The Switch ($8.1 million), Mao’s Last Dancer ($192,200) and A Film Unfinished ($37,500).

Out next weekend and threatening Sly for box office supremacy are The Last Exorcism (does it bother anyone else that this is rated PG-13?), Takers and, praise be to the god of blockbusters, a limited re-release of Avatar. Oh, good. James Cameron needed more money.