In 1984, twenty-something newcomer Tim Burton made his mark on the industry with a modern take on a horror classic in the form of Frankenweenie, a live action short in which a young boy named Victor uses the power of science to bring his beloved dog, Sparky, back to life.

Now, almost 30 years later, the Oscar-nominated director is returning to his roots to create the Frankenweenie he always envisioned, in the form of a stop-motion animated feature. Though you’ll need to wait until October to see the final product, MM offers a sneak peek at what is sure to become a cult classic.

In his attic/laboratory, Young Victor (Charlie Tahan) attempts to bring his beloved dog Sparky back to life, employing what he’s learned about electricity from his science teacher, Mr. Rzykruski (Martin Landau).

Tim Burton inspects a model of Sparky during the making of Frankenweenie (2012).

After a successful resurrection, Victor examines his beloved dog Sparky.

Victor and Sparky, together again, in Burton’s updated Frankenweenie (2012).

Conchata Ferrell voices the character of Bob’s Mom in Frankenweenie (2012)

All photos courtesy Disney Enterprises, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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