Black Adam Joker Sequel
Joaquin Phoenix in Joker

In today’s Movie News Rundown: Let’s separate fact and fiction in The Crown; theaters are re-closing; David Fincher thought Joker was a “betrayal of the mentally ill,” and a Black Panther 2 executive says Chadwick Boseman won’t be digitally doubled. Plus: Sylvester Stallone joins The Suicide Squad.

French Hours: Such a pleasant little phrase. Here’s a quick primer on why French hours may be helpful to productions during COVID-19.

The Crown Fact-Check: I spent the weekend watching The Crown Season 4, reading up on the real lives of Princess Diana, Prince Charles and Margaret Thatcher, and comparing fact and fiction. One thing I learned is that the Royals say “heeyah” instead of here. You can read more heeyah about how Charles and Diana met, the stalking the show left out, and more.

