We’re five days away from the live drawing for The Last Lullaby prizes. Anyone in the world can follow along on their own computer by going to http://www.ustream.tv/channel/live-feed-drawing-for-the-last-lullaby-prizes at 7 p.m. CST on Wednesday, November 18. I hope to see many of you there. It’s the first time we’ve done something like this. It should be an unusual and very fun event.

I just recently discovered that there’s a new edition of Chris Gore’s excellent Ultimate Film Festival Survival Guide. In my opinion, this is an absolute must-read for any independent moviemaker about to make a movie.

The Oscar season is underway. For me, this is always the most exciting time to see movies. I’m curious, what are you most looking forward to seeing in the next couple of months? I’m also finally playing catch up with many of the independent movies I’ve been dying to see and am just now finding the time to watch. Here’s my upcoming queue at Netflix: Food, Inc, Ballast, Frownland, A Christmas Tale, Gomorrah, Medicine for Melancholy, The New Year Parade, Sleep Dealer, Tulpan, Silent Light, This Is England, Jerichow, Munyurangabo, and Treeless Mountain. Any other recent indies you think I should seek out?

After the drawing on the 18th, my focus will shift towards finalizing a cable and domestic DVD deal for Lullaby. I will keep you all posted on these specifics as they happen.

Meanwhile, I am also working on the early stages of my next project, currently entitled Peril. Soon, I will begin making my monthly e-mail updates combined newsletters for Lullaby and Peril. I will also make a push to encourage all of Lullaby’s Facebook group to become part of the Peril Facebook group. And, I will soon be starting a Peril blog much like my Lullaby blog. Peril is both very different, but somewhat similar to Lullaby. I think anyone who has enjoyed the process of following and seeing Lullaby will enjoy the new movie as well.

I don’t want to sign off here just yet. We’re in the home stretch of Lullaby and I want to be there to tell you about it. It’s so funny to have a film out there that is now, in many ways, out of my hands. People can watch it without me around and buy it without me being there to watch it with them. It’s my hope that as years pass, people will continue to discover it, and that my future works will drive people back to The Last Lullaby. It’s the exact movie I wanted to make and I couldn’t be more proud of it.

After living in Los Angeles for seven years, Jeffrey Goodman returned to his hometown of Shreveport, Louisiana to direct The Last Lullaby. Co-written by the creator of Road to Perdition, and starring Tom Sizemore and Sasha Alexander, The Last Lullaby was filmed entirely in and around Shreveport and financed by 48 local investors.