It’s hard to escape the buzzword “green” nowadays. More and more people are trying to make their everyday activities environmentally-friendly. Sundance Channel is using the trend to launch their latest “What’s the Big Idea?” contest, inviting the online community to submit a one-minute short film or photo essay that depicts creative ways to go green.

Sundance Channel will narrow the field down to 25 based upon creativity, overall theme, feasibility and presentation. From May 27th to June 24th, the 25 will then go back to the online users, who will pick their five favorite proposals that will go on to be judged by a panel of environmental experts.

Announced the week of July 7th, the winner will receive $10,000 to go toward enacting their idea and a private green audit by Current Energy, a company that helps customers make their lives more energy-efficient. There will also be four runners-up, who will receive a Sundance Channel Green VIP bag.

This is the second annual UCG eco-contest from Sundance Channel. “What’s the Big Idea?” will open the second season of their environmentally-conscious show, Big Ideas for a Small Planet, featured as a part of Sundance Channel’s aptly-named weekly program “The Green.”

The contest ends on May 20th. For more information, visit