Credit: C/O

Diehard Sundance Film Festival fans often point to the democratizing nature of Park City, Utah’s brutal weather as one of the event’s major charms.

And it’s true: If you’re knee-deep in snow on Main Street, as was too often the case for this year’s attendees, trudging past a bona fide famous person in the exact same predicament does spark a tiny extra glow of warmth in your heart. They are just like us!

For MovieMaker photographer Fabrice Dall’Anese, the relaxed feeling that settles upon the festival alongside the inclement weather makes the job a little easier—and a lot more fun. He was in Park City for the festival’s full run (January 19-29, 2017) and found the informal spirit conducive for shooting. After all, it’s hard to take yourself too seriously with snow in your face—or, for that matter, when you’re wearing a giant neon-green hat that says “Shroomin'” (cough, Jack Black). From Armie Hammer to Michelle Monaghan, check out Dall’Anese’s beautiful captures here. MM

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