1. Work With What You Have

Before word one was written, before any characters or themes were though out, we took a long hard look at the things we had access to. Location, actors, crew. In our case, we worked in a production lighting facility that had two buildings enclosed by gate. It makes for a perfect, one location, siege type story. So we could go action, horror, or a combo of the two. There’s probably a good rom-com set in there too but these seemed to make the most sense. We figured action might be a little too cost prohibitive, so we opted for horror. Another item that figured heavily into this was a very good friend is a talented SFX artist (and would work for cheap). So horror it was. But that was us — What do you have? An apartment? A coffee shop? A slip of woods? A car? Build something around those elements.

A scene from The Campus. Image courtesy of Sean Reid

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