The first season of I Love Dick has launched on Amazon Video, and the show’s slyly funny take on gender and sexuality has already raised eyebrows and made waves.

Co-creators Jill Soloway and Sarah Gubbins’ adaptation of 1997 novel of the same name follows the Marfa, Texas-set love triangle between artist/rancher Dick, (Kevin Bacon) and husband and wife Sylvère (Griffin Dunne) and Chris (Kathryn Hahn). The series deftly exploits this sticky situation to comment on modern relationships much like the way in which a conceptual art exhibit annotates the experience of its attendees.

In the video below, Soloway and Gubbins discuss the conversational style of their writing process; share editing and ADR tricks (like the “French cut” and others) they discovered during post-production; and recall their “lost audition tapes” when mock auditioning for the role of Devon (Roberta Colindrez). (“Every lesbian you’ve ever met auditioned for Devon,” Soloway quips.)

I Love Dick was released on Amazon May 12, 2017, courtesy of Amazon Video. 

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