Shameless TV Shows That Don't Care If You're Offended

The Dukes of Hazzard

We’ve all heard the tiresome refrain that “they couldn’t make that today,” but if they ever did remake The Dukes of Hazzard, we suspect there would be some serious revisions.

The main issue of course is that it is focused on two “good ol’ boys,” Bo and Luke Duke, who so revere the Confederacy that they drive around with a Confederate flag on the roof of their car, which is named, not to put to fine a point on it, the General Lee. (TV Land pulled reruns of the show in 2015, and Warner Bros. has stopped licensing Dukes of Hazzard products.

The show’s creator, Gy Waldron, told The Hollywood Reporter in 2020 that the show meant no offense — and that he supports the Black Lives Matter movement.

“I had relatives fight on both sides of the Civil War and we honored both the American and Confederate flags,” said Waldron. “No one even connected the Confederate flag with slavery. It was simply a part of our Southern culture.”

But he added that he does “wholeheartedly support the Black Lives Matter movement and its quest to address racism around the world.”

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