The Munsters Rob Zombie
Herman and Lily Munster (Jeff Daniel Phillips and Sheri Moon Zombie) in the trailer for The Munsters.Credit: C/O

Rob Zombie may be known for making gruesome horror movies, but his new trailer for The Munsters reboot movie is surprisingly low on gore and high on heartwarming, cutesy romance.

It’s all about the love story and courtship of Herman Munster (Jeff Daniel Phillips, Westworld) and Lily Munster (Rob Zombie’s wife Sheri Moon Zombie, Halloween) — oh, and a plot to “get rid of that bozo Herman Munster” led by none other than Grandpa Munster (Daniel Roebuck, 3 From Hell). The film also features Lost star Jorge Garcia as Floop.

“I want a man that makes my blood run cold. A man that every time he enters my crypt, it’s like a stake through my dead black heart,” Lily Munster says in the trailer.

“I’m looking for a vision. A queen. A true love,” Herman Munster says.

With Zombie as the writer and director of the Munsters reboot of the classic 1960s monster family sitcom, it’s hard to believe that the 2022 Munsters is only rated PG — but it’s true. And it certainly pays homage to the original Munsters with old-timey special effects and music, some black-and-white sequences, and classic gags like Herman Munster walking through a door, leaving behind a hole shaped exactly like his silhouette.

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Like the original Munsters, which aired from 1964 to 1966 and was created by Ed Haas and Norm Liebmann, Zombie’s reboot still follows the basic structure of the Munsters migration story — but in this movie, the Munsters move from Transylvania to Hollywood.

Zombie is also known for directing House of 1000 CorpsesHalloweenThe Lords of Salem and 3 From Hell.

The cast of The Munsters also includes Cassandra Peterson, Richard Brake, Butch Patrick, Dee Wallace, Catherine Schell, Sylvester McCoy, Pat Priest, Tomas Boykin, Roderick Hill, Jeremy Wheeler, Mark Griffith, and Katia Bokor.

Zombie and Universal Pictures have not yet announced a release date for the film, but you can watch the trailer for The Munsters above.

Main Image: Herman and Lily Munster (Jeff Daniel Phillips and Sheri Moon Zombie) in the trailer for The Munsters.

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