Basic Instinct (1992)

basic instinct edward neumeier paul verhoeven erotic thriller young sinner

Sharon Stone wrote in her memoir The Beauty of Living Twice that she was tricked into the most revealing scene in Basic Instinct by a crew member who told her she needed to remove her underwear because it was “reflecting the light.”

She said she was so shocked by the end result that she slapped director Paul Verhoeven and immediately called her lawyer — but that she eventually agreed to the release of the scene. Verhoeven later said Stone was a willing participant in the scene and “knew exactly what we were doing,” which she disputes.

Stone told the Table for Two podcast earlier this year that she lost custody of her child in a 2004 court case because of her role in the film.

“I lost custody of my child,” she said. “When the judge asked my child — my tiny little tiny boy — ‘Do you know your mother makes sex movies?'”

She lamented “this kind of abuse by the system… that I was considered what kind of parent I was because I made that movie.”

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