fsow-movieinabox.jpgIt’s pretty much guaranteed that when a film buff watches a groundbreaking film, she’s going to ask herself, “How did they do that?” Movie in a Box is the one-day seminar that answers this question, for as founder Donna Michelle Anderson says, “there’s no better research lab for indie filmmakers than studying hit indie films!”

Students who sign up for one of the three courses offered (Emerging Filmmakers, Documentary Filmmakers or Advanced Filmmakers) are asked to prepare by screening a particular independent movie in advance.

“The first half of the Movie in a Box day is a creative intensive, with filmmakers presenting how the selected hit film was conceived, produced and released,” Anderson explains. “Throughout the day, all the speakers highlight key section of their presentations with film clips and behind-the-scenes information.”

The second half of the day is devoted to the Resource Room, where students meet with industry experts in a variety of fields, including lighting, post-production, distribution and the festival circuit. This way, students not only get the rundown on the basic skills needed to begin making movies, but the intimate classroom setting allows them to network with panelists, making essential contacts that may help them get their future film projects off the ground.

To register for an upcoming class, head on over to www.movieinabox.com, where an upcoming re-launch of the site will make it easier for all interested moviemakers with broadband access across the globe.

Sound Off: Movie in a Box teaches the 1-3-5 method for screenwriting, developed by Anderson, which specifically concentrates on character arc, structure and plot. What do you feel are the three most important aspects people must perfect in order to write a great screenplay? Share your thoughts in the comments section!