Maine Media College has announced that it will offer a one-year Multimedia Professional Certificate Program, which will provide students with training and access to new technologies necessary to form a career in multimedia. Maine Media College has a history of providing its students with an education in film and photography; the new certificate program will combine traditional storytelling techniques with graphics, still images and animation, among other media.

The 30-week curriculum includes instruction into multimedia production, the history of various media trends and preparation for building a career in multimedia. College Dean Elizabeth Greenberg states that “With so many applications [for multimedia] in the industry—documentary television and filmmaking, journalism, photojournalism—multimedia is the next natural step for our Professional Certificate Program.”

“The growing demand throughout our internet culture for content which is produced efficiently, often by an individual journalist, filmmaker or photographer, makes this training essential for artists entering the field today,” adds Maine Media College president Charles Altschul.

For more information on Maine Media College and the Multimedia Professional Certificate Program, visit