Dear Tim,
My ad in MovieMaker has brought students
into my workshop from the Seattle film community. I assume I wouldn’t
have met them otherwise. Also, I’ve gotten MM to lots of professional
friends in L.A. Great magazine!
—Gary Austin, Los Angeles
Dear Tim,
Kudos on the March issue- a color cover
even! And still as well written as previous issues. Loved the piece
on NW film programs and the profile of George Wing, but I can live
without Taso Lagos’s diary. Enclosed is a subscription request and
I’d like to receive issue one, if possible,
and any guidelines for submissions you may have. Keep up the fine
Best Regards,
—Jeannette Kent, Seattle
Dear Jeanette,
Thanks for the kind words. We
haven’t developed formal editorial or artistic guidelines, but the
magazine’s contributors are almost all freelancers, so we encourage
submissions. Anything of interest to moviemakers (especially articles
or photos with a Northwest or independent angle) or discriminating
movie goers is fairgame.
Right now we are also seeking illustrators
and designers. Please send non-returnable samples or SASE to Mr.
Ron and Ross Revisited
Dear Mr. Rice:
What a treat to find the second issue
of your magazine while awaiting a show at a neighborhood theatre.
I devoured it, enjoying especially the
interviews with Ron Bass (outstanding questions) and Ross McElwee.
In general, I found the quality of the
writing and graphics top-caliber. I was also impressed by the role
you have undertaken to provide support and recognition to the filmmakers
of our community. Again, congratulations on a fine new publication.
—Mark Isaacs, Seattle