Eight-Legged Freaks (2002)

Warner Bros.

The second film on this list to feature the great Kari Wuhrer (above), Eight Legged Freaks is a fun, comical homage to B-movie creature features like, well, Night of the Lepus.

It’s good! Roger Ebert gave it a thumbs up, noting it “has laughs, thrills, wit and scary monsters,” and describing it as “one of those goofy movies like Critters that kids itself and gets away with it.”

Directed by Ellory Elkayem, it also features a notably strong cast, including David Arquette (above with Wuhrer), a young Scarlett Johansson. And while it features some fake giant spiders, it also features plenty of real ones, including tarantulas, jumping spiders, spitting spiders, trapdoor spiders, and tiger wolf spiders.

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