The Jurassic World Dominion trailer puts dinos on ice; Seth Rogen doesn’t see why people should care about the Oscars; an early memory of young Whitney Houston; exciting Snoop Dogg news. All in today’s Movie News Rundown.
But First: Why yes, it is a slow news day. Just so you don’t think we’re one of those sites that is always breathlessly insisting you get worked up about everything, let’s be honest. Not much is happening, and that’s nice sometimes.
No Oscar Bump? Here’s TheWrap‘s Jeremy Fuster making the case for why Oscar nominations probably won’t increase box office for the Best Picture contenders.
Dinos on Ice: Here’s the new trailer for Jurassic World Dominion, which, if you’re like me, you have not been excited about.But this is a very good trailer that turned things around for me — there’s something about seeing dinosaurs where we least expect — like in the snow — that injects some excitement into the whole affair. And it’s great to see the whole gang back together.
Seth Rogen on the Oscars: “To me, maybe people just don’t care,” he said in an interview with The Insider. “I don’t care who wins the automobile awards. No other industry expects everyone to care about what awards they shower upon themselves. Maybe people just don’t care. Maybe they did for a while and they stopped caring. And why should they?”
In Case You’re Wondering: No, Seth Rogen has never been nominated for an Oscar. Maybe he should have been for producing and acting in the very good 2017 film The Disaster Artist, but that movie was done in by sexual misconduct accusations against its lead, James Franco.
Snoop Dogg: On the same day we revisited of Deep Cover, the soundtrack of which launched Snoop Dogg’s delightful career, the rapper announced that he is now the owner of Death Row Records. Coincidence? Yes it is. Congratulations, Uncle Snoop, and very excited for the Super Bowl halftime show.
This Is Great, But Why Is Snoop Dogg Movie News? He’s been great in some movies. And also the story of Death Row will someday make an incredible movie.
Bob Saget: His family released the following statement on his cause of his death at 65. “The authorities have determined that Bob passed from head trauma. They have concluded that he accidentally hit the back of his head on something, thought nothing of it and went to sleep. No drugs or alcohol were involved. As we continue to mourn together, we ask everyone to remember the love and laughter that Bob brought to this world, and the lessons he taught us all: to be kind to everyone, to let the people you love know you love them, and to face difficult times with hugs and laughter.”
‘That Is a Superstar’: Here’s an exclusive clip from the new documentary Whitney Houston in Focus, featuring photographer Bette Marshall’s recollections of the young Houston.
Chris Pratt and a dinosaur who is probably also named Chris in Jurassic World Dominion.