Jaman.com announced the availability of instantly streamed, HD-quality movies—for free.

With nothing more than a simple click, cineastes can watch one of 100 ad-supported titles from the online distributor’s collection of more than 3,000 films at no cost. Alternatively, those viewers who are less inclined to “pay” for the free films by watching the ads can pay just $1.99 to watch them commercial-dree. “By offering a free streaming media service along with our current rental and ownership download options, we are anticipating the future of digital cinema,” says Jaman founder and CEO, Gaurav Dhillon. “With streaming, we provide our community with a quality viewing experience that is free and for our advertisers, we deliver a unique audience and premium and targeted placement opportunities.”

With a catalog that includes Sundance favorite Shake Hands with the Devil to Charade, starring Audrey Hepburn and Cary Grant, the company truly does offer something for everyone. For more information, visit www.jaman.com.