As U.S. audiences start counting down the days until Iron Man, one of this spring’s most anticipated movies, is released in theaters on May 2nd, film fans across the pond got a sneak peek at the hero in action when the film premiered yesterday at the Odean in London’s Leicester Square.

Iron Man presides over his red carpet premiere.

Photo: 2008 Jo Hale for Paramount Pictures International

Iron Man stars Gwyenth Paltrow and Robert Downey, Jr. arrive for the premiere.

Photo: 2008 Jo Hale for Paramount Pictures International

Iron Man director Jon Favreau walks the red carpet in London.

Photo: 2008 Jo Hale for Paramount Pictures International

Jon Favreau,Gwyenth Paltrow,Terrence Howard and Robert Downey, Jr. gather for a photo op.

Photo: 2008 Jo Hale for Paramount Pictures International

Iron Man‘s red carpet.

Photo: 2008 Jo Hale for Paramount Pictures International