ifp.jpgAs nonprofit film groups go, the Independent Feature Project (IFP) is one of the most impressive. Now approaching its twentieth anniversary, the organization has become a leading resource for independent moviemakers, with 9,000 members and branches in New York, Chicago, Minneapolis, Phoenix and Seattle. IFP’s wide range of programming includes conferences, seminars, the Independent Spirit Awards and the IFP Market, a four-day showcase that brings the best of indie cinema to high-level industry executives.

“Though particular programs might change over time in response to the changing landscape, IFP’s primary mission has remained consistent—which is to provide various platforms and means to connect the work and talent of independent film and mediamakers to the film industry,” says Milton Tabbot, senior director of programming at IFP. One of the more recent programs created in the interest of this mission is the IFP Rough Cut Labs, which, explains Tabbot, “are designed to foster ‘market readiness’ for a select group of films—offering mentorship and advice on new projects by first-time feature filmmakers, prior to their exposure of this work to festivals and the industry at large.” As an IFP member, moviemakers are given access to a variety of funding and grant programs, production discounts and preview and premiere screenings of up-and-coming indie films.

For more information on IFP’s programs or to become a member, visit www.ifp.org.

Sound Off: IFP has branches in a variety of locations nationwide. What other cities (domestic or international) do you think would benefit from a moviemaking group like this one? Let us know in the comments section!