directed by Edward Zwick
Defiance is the fourth Holocaust-themed drama (following The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, Valkyrie and Good) being released this cheery holiday season. The movie, based on a true story, follows three Jewish brothers (played by Daniel Craig, Liev Schreiber and Jamie Bell) who, in 1941, escape from Nazi-occupied Poland. Along with Russian resistance fighters, they help organize the largest armed rescue of Jews during the Holocaust. While director Zwick (Glory, The Last Samurai) is known for crafting historical movies destined for award season, Defiance’s Oscar chances may have diminished. Originally scheduled to be a major December release, the movie is now opening in limited theaters before it opens wide on January 16. Regardless of its critical/commercial fate, Defiance will hopefully shed light on an important and often forgotten piece of World War II history.