What House of Gucci Got Right, and Just Made Up
G_04928_RC Jared Leto stars as Paolo Gucci in Ridley Scott’s HOUSE OF GUCCI A Metro Goldwyn Mayer Pictures film Photo credit: Fabio Lovino © 2021 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Was Maurizio Gucci Really Kicked Out of His Own Company After Tom Ford Debuted the New Line?


“Maurizio had been bought out of the company by the time I assumed the position of creative director of Gucci and had my first hit collection,” Tom Ford wrote in his review of House of Gucci for Airmail. “He certainly never toasted me after that show as he does in the film. Movies have a way of becoming truth in people’s minds, an alternate reality that in time obliterates the reality of what was.”

Was Maurizio Gucci Kicked Out of Gucci After Tom Ford Debuted His New Line? House of Gucci fact check

Adam Driver stars as Maurizio Gucci in Ridley Scott’s House of Gucci, a Metro Goldwyn Mayer Pictures film. Photo Courtesy of Metro Goldwyn Mayer Pictures Inc.

The Murder

The film gets the essential details of Maurizio Gucci’s murder correct. But in the film, four people are sentenced in the killing, including Patrizia, Pina, and the hitman. In real life, five people were sentenced. Patrizia was ordered in 1997 to serve 29 years, but was released in 2016.

Patrizia Reggiani Murder Sentence

Lady Gaga as Patrizia Reggiani in Ridley Scott’s House of Gucci. A Metro Goldwyn Mayer Pictures film
Photo credit: Fabio Lovino.

About the Gucci Loafers

In the film, Aldo Gucci realizes Maurizio has betrayed him when he notices that Nemir Kirdar, who is buying out his shares in Gucci, is wearing a rare Gucci loafer with gold leaf, designed for Clark Gable. Aldo knows that only Maurizio could have given Kirdar the shoe.

Gucci really did design a loafer for Clark Gable — though it did not have gold leaf, and Bentivegna says he invented the idea of Maurizio giving the shoe to Kirdar.

But Kirdar (played by Youssef Kerkour) really was a fan of Gucci shoes. When he was first approached to help Maurizio take over the company, according to Forden’s book, he was asked if he was familiar with the Gucci brand. “I am looking at my feet,” Forden quotes him as saying. “I think I am wearing Gucci loafers.”

He was: Black crocodile loafers with a gold horse bit.





About the Gucci Loafers Scene in House of Gucci fact check

Al Pacino as Aldo Gucci in Ridley Scott’s House of Gucci, a Metro Goldwyn Mayer Pictures film.
Photo courtesy of Metro Goldwyn Mayer Pictures Inc.

This story was originally published on Nov. 29, 2021 and has been updated throughout with the video-on-demand release of House of Gucci.

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