Psycho (1998)

Van Sant’s utterly misguided, shot-for-shot update of the Hitchcock classic is perhaps the most pointless remake of all time. Using Joseph Stefano’s original script, the new and unimproved Psycho makes the crucial mistake of miscasting the two pivotal roles—Anne Heche as Marion Crane and Vince Vaughn as Norman Bates. Anthony Perkins, the original Norman, had a natural boy-next-door quality, which made the film’s twist ending that much more surprising and rewarding.

By contrast, in the remake, the looming, neurotic Vaughn seems off his rocker as soon as he speaks, which makes the film significantly less creepy. The story also loses much of its power by being shot in color, as opposed to the black-and-white original.

Ironically, that shower scene isn’t nearly as scary when it’s in blood red rather than stark grey. While the Psycho remake might have made for an interesting film school project, as a big-budget Hollywood reimagining by one of independent cinema’s most respected minds, it still begs the question, “Why bother?”

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