Kristin Petrovich, founder and CEO of HD EXPO, believes we are in a “renaissance of technology.” It’s one reason she began the national networking event back in 2001. This March 8, at the Beverly Hilton hotel in Los Angeles, HD EXPO will be hosting the first of its three yearly events, featuring exhibits, seminars and panels accessible to anyone and everyone free of charge (just remember to register ahead of time).

The last expo, held in November 2006, was a sell-out event. In large part, this success is due to the access it provides attendees to “industry icons and trend setters.” As networking is “a key component to success in this industry,” HD EXPO caters to that idea, with past exhibitors including Adobe, Avid and Panasonic along with professionals from American Cinematographer, Filmmakers Alliance and ProMax Systems.

“The team at HD EXPO comes from the entertainment and content creation industry, so we are very aware of the issues,” notes Petrovich. “We have our finger on the pulse of the industry.” That means you should expect to learn everything you wanted to know and more about the future of technology. Whatever your latest high-definition technological concern, it’s HD EXPO’s as well. Together you can find the answers.

Looking to rub elbows and pick the brains of some of the industry masters? Check out for more information on upcoming events.

Sound Off: With the constant evolution of technology, it often becomes difficult to stay on top of the most innovative and important advances. According to Kristin Petrovich, HD EXPO is looking to address concerns involving multiple delivery requirements and the new outlets for content that spring up each day. What do you see as the biggest technological concern of the near future? Talk back in the comments section!

—Mallory Potosky