As portable media players grow faster and sexier (I’m talking about you, iPod Touch), demand for video content will continue to increase. As major television networks and studios try to figure out a way to enter the portable video market, one company is pulling ahead with an answer.
“EZTakes is the only company that lets you legally download thousands of titles that you can burn to playable DVDs,” says the company’s CEO and co-founder, Jim Flynn, of the recently announced To-Go option for portable media players, which can be purchased for a one-time licensing fee of $9.99.
According to Flynn, virtually every other video download service uses a form of digital rights management (DRM in geek speak). Because not all of those DRMs are compatible, certain films can be played on iPods, but not on PCs, or vice versa.
“In contrast,” Flynn says, “EZTakes makes it simple for you watch your purchases on your Windows PC, your Mac, your living room TV, your iPod or any other portable device that you may own in the future. That’s better value than retail DVDs and it’s far better for most consumers than any other download service.”
What about piracy? Well, Flynn takes a pragmatic view:”If you Google any major movie title followed by the word ‘torrent’ (the peer-to-peer file sharing format), you’ll get millions of hits,” Flynn says. “The horse has not only left the barn, but it has also reproduced into a billion copies that went to all corners of the globe. EZTakes actually reduces piracy by providing a convenient legal alternative that provides more customer value than any other service.”
With 3,000 DRM-free titles in their rapidly growing catalog, EZTakes makes enjoying a movie on the go easier than ever. Add to your portable library at