Out early this year from long-time television producer Paul Jarrett (Fan Girl, A Crime to Remember), Crazy Famous tells the story of Bob Marcus (Gregory Lay), a middle-of-the-road, white American man whose desire for fame has reached dangerous heights.

Bob’s latest stunt, jumping the fence at Camp David in front of a camera crew, lands him in a mental hospital. Rather than allowing for his own rehabilitation, Bob gathers a rag-tag group of misfits together from the mental hospital for a new, spectacular gambit for attention. The farcical social commentary also features Catherine Curtin (Stranger Things, Insecure, Orange is the New Black) as Bob’s mother.

In a clip made exclusively available for MovieMaker, Marcus’ psychologist Dr. Manning (Ajay Naidu) attempts to locate the origins of Marcus’ disturbing compulsions.

Crazy Famous is available on VOD, Digital HD and DVD January 9, 2018, courtesy of Gravitas Ventures. Video and featured image courtesy of Gravitas Ventures.

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