MGM has just filled its yearly quota of random acts of kindness by officially announcing the return of Robocop, a film franchise so iconic that even Microsoft Word recognizes the name. The most tantalizing bit from the press release is the confirmation of director Darren Aronofsky’s (Pi, Requiem for a Dream) attachment to helm the film, putting to rest any worries about this franchise reboot valuing spectacle over substance. (Speaking of moviemakers who value spectacle over substance, the press release also spilled the beans about Brett Ratner’s attachment the direct the film adaptation of the insanely successful video game God of War.)

Writing the Robocop script will be David Self (Road to Perdition, Thirteen Days). The film is slated for a 2010 release, which gives Aronofsky time to finish his upcoming Mickey Rourke flick, The Wrestler.