Tad Allagash (played by Kiefer Sutherland in Bright Lights, Big City)

KIefer Sutherland has a big job in Bright Lights, Big City: to make Michael J. Fox’s Jamie Conway seem soulful and human by comparison to his nightclubbing lothario, Tad, who spends his nights seeking out “dances to be danced, drugs to be hoovered, women to be Allagashed.”

He’s the kind of guy who encourages his buddy to say his wife is dead because it will make ladies more likely to sleep with him. Kiefer Sutherland is great at cocky blond guy roles, but stresses that he is not his characters. As he once told GQ, “I run into people who won’t shake my hand because of a characters that I’ve played.”

Of course, he probably doesn’t mean Tad Allagash. But he might mean the next character on our list.

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