Brooks Institute has announced the creation of a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) program in screenwriting, to begin in November. The program, organized by faculty member and award-winning screenwriter Brian Price, can be completed in as little as two years. Brooks Institute Film program director Glynn Beard states that “a student graduating with the MFA in Screenwriting will have been exposed to the process of creating and exhibiting a body of dramatic writing work, including a minimum of three feature-length screenplays, one teleplay and one short script for new media.”

“The instruction within the program covers the entirety of the screenwriting craft, art and industry,” adds Brooks Institute vice president of academic affairs, David Litschel. “This exciting new program can help prepare aspiring screenwriters to turn their ideas into screenplays, and to equip them with the skills that can help them compete in the screenwriting market.”

Brooks Institute has campuses in Santa Barbara and Ventura, California, and offers degrees in a variety of visual and media arts. For more information visit, or call an admissions representative at 888/276-4999.