How did Rethink Breast Cancer come to think of creating a film festival?

Awareness of and attitudes towards breast cancer vary greatly depending on geography, culture and age, resulting in a wide range of needs that are not always met through traditional support and education options. By using the expressive and creative powers of film, Rethink will showcase the full emotional spectrum of the disease and engage and educate audiences in a new and significant way.

2) What do you most hope to achieve with the fest?

Rethink hopes Breast Fest Film Festival will encourage people globally to think differently about how to beat breast cancer and expand international support for the cause.

3) In the fest’s mission statement, it states that the aim is to demonstrate the issues of breast cancer in meaningful and interesting ways through the medium of film. What sorts of outlooks or sentiments are you most anticipating to see expressed in the films? Are there any specific criteria for entry?

Breast cancer, whether experienced directly or indirectly, is an intensely emotional journey that affects people in different ways and the short film competition provides individuals an opportunity to share their stories in a personal and unique way. As such, we are expecting the short films submitted will encompass a diverse range of emotions and perspectives – from humour and irreverence, to drama and profound sadness.

Films can be submitted by filmmakers and those touched by breast cancer, directly or indirectly. Submission must be no longer than 10 minutes and in .AVI, .MOV, .WMV, or .MPG format. Submissions are due before midnight on Sunday, August 24, 2008 and entrants must be over the age of majority. For more details about submissions visit .

4) Why the decision to have the public choose the winning film?

The short film competition provides an international forum for those who have been touched by breast cancer, either directly or indirectly, to share their stories and different perspectives on a disease that affects millions. By asking the public to vote on their favourite short film during the month of October, Rethink hopes to enable people around the world to witness different global perspectives on breast cancer and learn more about the disease and its effects.

Nikki Byrne
Manager, Campaigns, Development & Communications
Rethink Breast Cancer
T.416-920-0980 x225 | F.416.920.5798
