Credit: Dreamworks Pictures

Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad to Anchorman 7 Film and TV Shows That Dramatically Changed Locations
The boys

“You weren’t just a host, you were a character in the show,” Bryan Cranston told the people of Albuquerque, New Mexico, last year, as it unveiled statues of his character, Walter White, and Aaron Paul’s character, Jesse Pinkman. (They were commissioned and donated by Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan.)

Albuquerque was a massive part of Breaking Bad, but it could have been… San Bernardino, California. Before New Mexico lured Breaking Bad with tax incentives, Vince Gilligan planned for the show to take place outside Los Angeles, as you can see from the original Breaking Bad pilot script.

Of course, Breaking Bad delivered fantastic returns to New Mexico. It not only inspired a hit spinoff, Better Call Saul, but also drew the attention of countless other productions that have shot throughout the state of New Mexico.

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