Barry Lyndon (1975)

Warner Bros.

When a director is iconic, in time basically all the “other” films in their filmography start to become considered “underappreciated” and secret classics. Stanley Kubrick is no different. After film fans have said all there is to say about The Shining or Full Metal Jacket, what do you do? You start to turn to the other movies.

Nowadays, both Eyes Wide Shut and Barry Lyndon are lauded to no end by movie buffs. The former was the last of his career, but Barry Lyndon arrived when his potential seemed limitless.

Ryan O’Neal plays the titular Irish ne’er-do-well, and even back in the day, Barry Lyndon was considered magnificently well-crafted. It won Oscars for score, art direction, costume design, and cinematography.

The film is not fast-paced, but sneaks up on you, with a darkly sardonic message about class. Its dry wit and melancholy are typical of the best Irish storytelling tradition.

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